
“Are we wasting time reading other things or watching television when we could be buying out the opportune time reading The Watchtower?”

The Watchtower Magazine and Other Watch Tower Society Publications

The Watchtower magazine and other Watch Tower Society publications

Next: Charity, Religion, and the Law

Light – 1 (1930), page 12

The time for the fulfilment of the prophecy of Revelation seems to be from about 1879 forward until the kingdom is in full sway. It was about that date that the second presence of the Lord began to be observed, and that and other truths began to appear in The Watch Tower, which since then until now has been the means of communicating truth to those who love the Lord. All those who love God supremely believe that The Watch Tower was started and has been maintained by his power and grace.

Preparation (1933), page 26

The inspector general of Jehovah’s hosts must have been filled with indignation when he surveyed the desolation of Jerusalem, Likewise when Christ Jesus came in 1918 to inspect the professed people of God and set up the temple, he would look with indignation upon the desolation of the earthly part of God’s organization, the covenant people of the Most High… The inspector general of Jehovah’s hosts at the same time made an inspection of Satan’s earthly organization: “He stood, and measured the earth.” What he then saw would further increase his indignation and in due time would increase his zeal to act in the destruction of the wicked world.”… This is proof that the interpretation of prophecy does not proceed from man, but that the Lord Jesus, the chief one in Jehovah’s organization, sends the necessary information to his people by and through his holy angels. “AND THE MAN THAT STOOD AMONG THE MYRTLE TREES ANSWERED AND SAID, THESE ARE THEY WHOM THE LORD HATH SENT TO WALK TO AND FRO THROUGH THE EARTH.” (1: 10) In the vision these represent Jehovah’s host that he uses to express his wrath against the enemy. (Rev. 14: 20) With this host Jehovah’s witnesses on earth are duly associated. Satan and his wicked agents stalk through the earth to spy out and to maliciously act against God’s faithful people, and these horsemen in Zechariah’s vision act as observers of what concerns Jehovah’s organization and to carry out his purposes. The Lord now has his face or attention turned to consideration of things on the earth, and he inspects both the enemy organization and the organization of Jehovah,

The Watchtower magazine, May 1, 1938, page 143

The resolutions adopted by conventions of God’s anointed people, booklets, magazines, and books published by them, contain the message of God’s truth and are from the Almighty God, Jehovah, and provided by him through Christ Jesus and his underofficers. This shows the grand and glorious organization working in exact harmony, as indeed it must work. These instruments being provided by Jehovah, and placed in the hand of the remnant, the remnant or “servant” class is commanded to use the same. The interpretation of prophecy, therefore, is not from man, but is from Jehovah; and Jehovah causes events to come to pass in fulfillment of the prophecy in due time. It is his truth, and not man’s; and when men attempt to give the honor and glory for the message of truth to a man or men, such make fools of themselves. Jehovah provides the machinery, the printing presses, and all material for the purpose of preparing his fiery message that must be poured out or scattered upon “Christendom”, and this is done by his ”faithful servant” class. The Devil tries to induce men to believe that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is engaging in a bookselling scheme. Only the Devil is capable of manufacturing such a lie.

The Watchtower magazine, December 15, 1941, page 376

Particularly since the revealment of the Jonadab picture in 1932, and still more so since 1935, when the “great multitude” mystery was solved, Christ Jesus has caused the understanding of the prophetic dramas and pictures to he made clear and set forth in the WATCH TOWER publications. Those gathered in as “other sheep” read and study those things which have “proceeded out of the mouth” of the Greater Jephthah through his visible organization.

Olin R. Moyle vs. Fred W. Franz, Nathan H. Knorr, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Pennsylvania), Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (New York), et al, New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, 1940

God is the editor of The Watchtower magazine. (Then Watch Tower Society vice-president Fred Franz)


Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose (1959), page 22

So you see, Tom, in many ways the evidence was beginning to accumulate that, of all the early voices heard, Jehovah had chosen the publication we now call The Watchtower to be used as a channel through which to bring to the world of mankind a revelation of the divine will and, through the words revealed in its columns, to begin a division of the world’s population into those who would do the divine will and those who would not.


The Watchtower magazine, October 15, 1962, page 629

Through the columns of The Watchtower comes increased light on God’s Word as Jehovah makes this known.

The Watchtower magazine, February 15, 1963, page 107

Walking with God also requires us to be organization-minded in our reading habits. God’s visible channel provides us with ever so much reading matter, all of which should be a MUST for Christians. Some imagine they do not have time to read through each issue of The Watchtower, yet the president and vice-president of the Watch Tower Society do. Are you busier or do you have more important work than they do? Or is it a matter of selectivity? Are we wasting time reading other things or watching television when we could be buying out the opportune time reading The Watchtower? Much valuable information and admonition is contained in the so-called “secondary” articles of The Watchtower that help the Christian to walk in the right way and to “be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.”—2 Tim. 3:17.

The same also applies to the Awake! magazine. Reading each issue from cover to cover will not only broaden your mental horizon but also help you to view all things from God’s standpoint. And what about the Yearbook? Do you take time each day to consider the daily text?

The Watchtower magazine, May 1, 1964, page 277

Why should such care be exercised in our study of the columns of The Watchtower, and of our application of the Scripture texts to the material under consideration? It is through the columns of The Watchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people, and it requires careful study and attention to details in order to apply this information, to get a full understanding of the principles involved, and to assure ourselves of right thinking on these matters. It is in this way that we “are thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones” the fullness of our commission and of the preaching responsibility that Jehovah has placed on all Christians as footstep followers of his Son. Any other course would produce independent thinking and cause division.

The Watchtower magazine, August 1, 1972, page 460

Through the columns of The Watchtower comes increased light on God’s Word as Jehovah makes it known. Because of the vital nature of these discussions, the Watchtower study is the most important meeting for all of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses and interested persons.

The Watchtower magazine, November 1, 1979, page 30

And what can we say that is relevant to this occasion? That the ‘Watchtower’ magazine continues to be published! And how long it will carry on we do not know. Whether it will be published in the coming system of things, we do not know. What will be its universal, worldwide name then, we do not know. Whether it will be called by what they call it over there in Israel, by its Hebrew name, we do not know. But we know that this is one of the foremost instruments that Jehovah God has used down through this past century…As we leave this place now, may we go back to the field and disseminate the ‘Watchtower’ magazine as far and wide as we can and cooperate with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania until it has served Jehovah’s purpose.

The Watchtower magazine, March 1, 1987, page 14

The “faithful and discreet slave” class, the “watchman,” today uses the Watchtower magazine under the direction of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses as its main channel for dispensing spiritual “food at the proper time.”…

Each article in both The Watchtower and Awake! and every page, including the artwork, is scrutinized by selected members of the Governing Body before it is printed.

The Watchtower magazine, March 15, 1989, page 22

As this brief historical review has shown, it is through the columns of The Watchtower that explanations of vital Scriptural truths have been provided for us by Jehovah’s “faithful and discreet slave.” The Watchtower is the principal instrument used by the “slave” class for dispensing spiritual food. Are you benefiting from it fully? Do you read each issue, and does your study program include looking up scriptures that are cited but not quoted? Do you also make it a habit to meditate on what you have studied, building up appreciation for it, considering how it should affect your attitude, your desires, your daily activities, your goals in life? Your doing so can be a big factor in your making decisions based on the genuine insight that Jehovah alone has given.

Kingdom Ministry, April 1990, page 8

One of the primary instruments that Jehovah is using to spread the good news today is The Watchtower. If we place subscriptions and then follow up with encouragement to read the magazines, our diligent effort may save people’s lives.

Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom (1993), page 146

Spiritual instruction is provided by means of magazine articles, books, convention programs, and outlines for congregation discourses—all of which are prepared under the direction of the Governing Body of the faithful and discreet slave.

The Watchtower magazine, August 1, 1995, page 16

Jehovah uses this “slave” as his means of teaching people today. Those of the slave class adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1931. Since then millions have associated with them and have accepted that name and joined in proclaiming God’s Kingdom. This magazine, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, is the principal instrument employed by the “slave” in the teaching work. However, other publications are also used, including books, booklets, brochures, tracts, and the Awake! magazine.

The Watchtower magazine, April 15, 2013, page 30

The Writing Committee of the Governing Body oversees the process of researching, writing, proofreading, illustrating, and translating our printed publications as well as material posted on our Web site.

Next: Charity, Religion, and the Law